
Monday September 12: Aviation Advisory Commission Meeting


Virtual Meeting:
Webinar ID: 873 8282 6576
Phone Numbers: 1-669-900-6833, 1-253-215-8782
Time: 7:00 pm


Full Packet

To submit a written comment to be read. Limit to 250 words and email to [email protected] by 6:30pm tonight.  Put Item#5 as your subject line.  Participation matters!

To speak live via zoom during Agenda Item #5 Public Comments (or any specific item #):

Be logged into zoom. When the chairperson asks if anyone would like to speak to an item you active the RAISE HAND button. You will be called in order to join live as a speaker. Each speaker is given a limit of 3 minutes.  Please speak up!

If you call into the zoom by telephone and want to make a live comment, when the chairperson asks for participants; dial *9 to be added to speaker list. 

Please continue to speak up to promote all flights to fly friendly above our community. 

Make your Voice Heard Tonight!

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