March 12 Flights

Saturday, March 12 Oxnard Flight Training Summary

On Saturday March 12, the skies above Oxnard were a war zone. Monitoring you could see the training flights out of Santa Monica and Van Nuys beelining directly up to Oxnard Airport to train.

There were 6-7 simultaneous flight training aircraft over Oxnard practicing repeated Touch and Go Landings. (not normal take off and landing traffic) Most originated from Santa Monica and Van Nuys Airports where there are landing fees and weekend touch and go restrictions. A few aircraft were from the 1960s and 1970s. One was a 1959 Cessna 172. Most were not following the Oxnard Voluntary Noise Abatement Procedures.

One of the reasons that Santa Monica (SMO) and Van Nuys (VNY) pilots like to train out of OXR is that there are no wait times for Touch and Go Landings and Santa Monica has a weekend restrictions on touch-and-go, stop-and-go, and low approaches on weekends, holidays. There are also noise level restrictions that SMO and VNY impose.

Santa Monica Noise Mitigation Policies

Mandatory Restrictions

The following procedures and limitations are enforced per the City’s Aircraft Noise Ordinance. Violations may result in the imposition of fines and/or exclusion from Santa Monica Airport.

  • Maximum Noise Level: 95.0 dBA Single Event Noise Exposure Level (SENEL) as measured 2,200´ from either ends of the runway.
  • Intersection departures are prohibited. 
  • Formation takeoffs and landings are prohibited.
  • Touch-and-go, stop-and-go, and low approaches are prohibited on weekends, holidays and weekdays one-half hour after sunset until 7am the following day.
  • Simulated forced landings opposite to the direction of take-off are prohibited. 
  • Prior Permission Required from Airport Director for dual wheel aircraft in excess of 60,000 lbs.
  • Helicopter flight training is prohibited.

 Santa Monica also  charges a landing fee of $5.48 per thousand pounds landing gross weight.

Aircraft owners or operators using the Santa Monica Airport are required to pay a landing fee. Currently, the fee is $5.48 per thousand pounds certificated maximum landing gross weight. “

Santa Monica

Van Nuys Airport Noise Abatement–complete-curfew-ordinance-revised.ashx

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